Types of Commercial Loans Offered by a Bank or Financial Institution

The commercial loans have been offered by the bank and many other financial institutions to their potential customers by keeping in view their business history with them. The commercial loans have been segregated by the financial institutions in two categories i.e. small & medium enterprises commercial finances as well as the corporate commercial loans. The said categories have been designed by keeping in view the amount given to the borrowers as the commercial finance. For example, some banks / financial institutions categorize the SME finances up to 100.00 million of the finances and the amount over & above the 100.00 million would be categorized as the corporate finances. All the DFIs deal the customers of SME finance and corporate finance separately.It could be observed while visiting any of the bank of your vicinity that there are separate benches to deal with both kinds of the customers and corporate customers have always been given the prime as well as top most priority, because the corporate clients have been a source of earning huge profit for any of the financial institutions. A detailed procedure is involved in knowing about the ways that how bank has sanctioned and disbursed said huge finances to its customers.First of all you should know that all the said commercial loans are the secured loans which have been given against having sufficient securities in the shape of stocks and mortgage of the property. The property which is being mortgaged by the bank as a security of its funds could be residential or commercial. But commercial property will not be accepted, particularly in the home finance given by the bank for the purpose of Purchase of the house or for the construction of the house.