Thinking of Starting Your Own Business? Consider These Questions and Issues First

Before you quit your day job to take the entrepreneurial leap… here are some critical issues and questions to consider.

1. Make sure you can identify exactly what business you want to be in. Be specific. Write out your business idea on a sheet of paper and then add all the related business products or services you can think of. Usually, the more you can specialize, the better chance you have of being successful. Do you have a special expertise related to any aspect of this business?

2. Have you worked for a company in this field? If not, what education or experience will you need before you can succeed against the competitors in this field? If you are working for a company in this field, is this an expansion into a different market? If so, would your current employer consider financing the business with you taking the reigns as the new venture’s manager?

3. Do you really enjoy doing this? Are you willing to stick it out working 60-80 hour weeks until you reach a break-even point? Will you need extra capital to cover your living expenses? Is it something you can do part time to build up the business before you have to quit your job? Are you sure you have the mental toughness to run your own business? Being self-employed isn’t for everyone.

4. What is your unique selling proposition? (USP) What makes your service or product special? Are you trying to market a superior product or service at a fair price? Or will you be marketing the same product as other competitors (a commodity) at a cheaper price? If you are marketing a commodity make sure you understand everything about its production and delivery before assuming you can do it cheaper or quicker than long time competitors. Consider working in this field to learn all the hidden details before you sink your capital into a commodity type sales venture.

5. Who are your real customers? Sometimes this isn’t as obvious as it seems. The end user may purchase your product because it is provided by another vendor, or recommended by another professional. Who’s the real decision maker in your marketing equation? How will you target your marketing efforts?

6. Have you been able to test market the product or service? If not, how do you know what customers will be willing to pay for the product or service? What are the industry trends? In other words, is there an expanding market for your intended product or service? Is there research data available to support your assumptions about the potential market for your product?

7. Who are the major competitors in your market? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Is there a niche market they aren’t reaching? Can you identify weaknesses in their operations you could exploit?

8. Have you prepared a cash flow projection for the first year? Be thorough and realistic. What’s the maximum cash draw down you’ll face before the business reaches a break-even point? Make sure you include your monthly living expenses. What level of sales will you need to break-even? Is it possible to keep your current job while you build up enough sales to get you to break-even point? The best start up capital is existing sales.

9. What are your location options? Are there regulatory requirements applicable to your business that will require major up-fits to the location and facility? Consider all zoning, permit, and employee safety laws, as well as accessibility to the handicapped and parking availability. Carefully map out all the logistical space needs for your business.

You may notice that many of these issues are directly related to the topics addressed in a typical business plan. That’s because the business plan is essentially an organized documentation of the various issues you will have worked out in your own mind before deciding that your idea has real potential. It formally lays out your “proof of feasibility” in a standard format.

Now that you’re familiar with some of the topics addressed in the business plan, it’s time to take your idea from the talking stage to implementation. The first step is to prepare a written business plan. There are many free business planning resources on the web. You can also download a free business plan template from the Business Coach section of our web site.

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Avon – Beauty and Health Manufacturing Company

Avon is another beauty and health manufacturing company which has earned a reputation of one of the top brands all over the world revolutionizing the variety of products from lipstick, skin care products to different types of fragrances by presenting innovative, first-to-market products using its unique Avon-patented technology.For many years, Avon has spread its legacy of being a responsible corporate citizen adhering to the highest standard of ethics and integrity that made it as one of the most well-liked companies and one of the best companies to work for employing thousands of highly diverse employees scattered all over the world.It has authored the unique direct selling system of all its products giving most women the opportunity of independently earning and attaining economic freedom by engaging in this distinctive type of business opportunity Avon has introduced.Avon, until this very time, does not only continuously offer high quality products as well as customized services to the women around the world but it also spearheads charitable activities supporting breast cancer and domestic violence abuses.Avon products that had been around for more than a century has created bevy of beauty and health products from the very popular Avon Colors, skin care and treatment products to Avon Wellness.Its popular Avon Colors are created with superior quality which included foundations, powders, lipsticks, eye and nail products as well as face cosmetics with different choices of colors introduced giving women many selections to fit their skin tone. Some of its products contains multi-vitamins that continued to beautify women of different ethnicities.
For anti-aging and skin care treatment, Avon’s Anew has been critically acclaimed to have given positive results to the many faces of satisfied women all over the world. Avon was the first company in the beauty industry to introduce and launch an anti-aging product containing AHA or Alpha Hydroxy Acid, a strong and potent anti-aging, antioxidant responsible in providing effects of glowing, refreshing and younger look.It also launched the Avon Solutions for face and body treatment. It is infused with the Avon Daily Skin Allowance, a unique combination of nutrients and supplements that help women maintain healthy skin. It has also presented best-loved brands of bath and body products for all skin types.Avon also launched the first body wash that combines an exfoliating formula with an ultra-conditioning cleanser. Salon-quality products serve the needs of every hair type of both young and old. It provided wide range of shampoos, conditioners and styling products.As the world’s biggest maker of perfumes, Avon offers reasonably priced fragrances with fashionable packaging for every woman to enjoy. It further provided rejuvenating health and fitness products that promote a well-balanced lifestyle embracing a unique philosophy of having inner as well as outer beauty and the well-being of mind, body and spirit.And this time, Avon’s Mark. It provides a unique earning prospect by tapping directly into young women’s existing and daily beauty rituals. The product line of cosmetics and related products offers fun, fresh, modern packaging; affordable pricing; and unique products offered. Its vision is to provide young women with an engaging product line, a direct-selling opportunity, and a unique brand understanding that engages them in a world of community, involvement and empowerment.

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Software Sales Rep Success

How to be a Successful Software Sales RepBeing a software sales rep can be a very exciting and lucrative career. The US economy is based on innovation and new technology, so the demand will always be high. Beyond that, CNBC recently reported that sales jobs are still in good supply because companies are focusing on hiring revenue-generating jobs. Essentially, sales jobs are always recession proof. That being said, being a good software sales rep will always be in demand and you will always have options, even in hard economic times.Software sales jobs also offer opportunities to make a lot of money to anybody regardless of experience and education. Sales in general are meritocratic. That means regardless of experience or education, anyone who can get the job done can be successful. Sales jobs are one of the best jobs without a college degree.In this article, I will give you tools on how to be a successful in software sales. If you are able to master these few things, you will be a successful.Step 1The first step in being successful is to find the right software company. That’s right, the first step of success has nothing to do with you. In order to grow good crop, you have to have good soil and good weather. No matter how hard you work and no matter how good a farmer you are, if the soil and weather is bad, you won’t be able to grow good produce. In the same way, being a successful sales rep starts with finding good soil and good weather.Good Soil – Good Software CompanyIf you want good soil to grow your sales success in, find a good software company. What does that mean? First, find a software company with a good product and an innovative technology. There are many software companies with not so good software. If that is the case, it will be difficult to sell. How can you find out? Well, do some research and see if you can find out if the software company is growing. If the software company is growing, that probably means they have a good product and have good management. Even if a software company is big but is not growing, it’s a sign that you might not want to work there.Good Weather – Good IndustryFind a software company in a growing industry. If a company makes software for a declining industry, it will affect the sales of the software company. Go into a new and growing industry. Get in on the ground floor in innovation. Some good new and growing industries is in green technology and software as service industries. But make sure the software company is developing products and services with a felt need and demand already existing in the market. Don’t work for a software company that is developing a product for an anticipated market. Make sure the market is already there.Find good soil and good weather. Find a company with good software and good management. Find a company in an industry that is growing. Without these two components, you will be fighting uphill.Step 2The next thing you need to do is get over your fear of rejection. This is an area you will grow in, but you need to start the process. If you don’t grow in this area, you will not succeed. Here’s how you can get over your fear and reduce the emotional stress, strain and drain that can ensue.Know and Believe in Your Product. This goes back to step 1, but you need to know and genuinely believe in your product if you are going to succeed. If you don’t honestly see the value and benefits of your product and how it’s better than your competitor, than you will never be able to get over the emotional uneasiness selling it. I don’t know if I could have stayed in the software companies that I’ve worked for if I didn’t genuinely believe in the product. Before I signed on to work as a software sales rep for a software company, I made sure I knew the product and the competitors to make sure I could sell it with passion and integrity.Make It Impersonal Realize. that it’s not YOU they are rejecting, it is your software. If you genuinely believe in your product, than you can always go back to that conviction and let your fear and feelings of rejection go away. Remember, most people reject your software, not because it’s bad, but because they don’t really know how good it is. That’s your job is to make them realize how great your product is.Believe the Best in People. When people reject you, there is a tendency to dislike, hate and rant against your prospects. There were many times I hung up the phone discouraged and even hurt when someone rejected my offering. Don’t give in to that or it will emotionally drain you over time and you won’t be able to sustain your tenure as a software sales rep. Give them the benefit of the doubt, and believe the best in them. I remember when I was a young sales rep working for a high tech software company. I called a prospect and he angrily hung up on me. Two weeks later, I was training someone on making cold calls, and decided I’d call this same prospect back as a training tool for my trainee. To my great surprise, he not only talked to me, but he ended up buying our software. When he angrily hung up on me, he didn’t know who I was, who I was with, what software I had. He was just having a bad day. It had nothing to do with me! Whenever someone rejects me, or I get tempted to have harsh feelings about them, I quiet myself and internally wish the best for them. I know, it sounds cheesy, but it works and I can make my next call happy, which makes a huge different in sales.Step 3 Becoming successful in any sales is a numbers game. Keep track of the numbers. It’ll also give you an idea of product demand and areas for growth. Below are some of the numbers that the best software sales reps keep track of.Cold Calling Dials. Virtually all sales involve large amounts of cold calling. At the very least, cold calling is where you’ll most probably need to start. So, the first category you’ll want to track is your cold calling numbers. Let me give you an idea of the volume of cold calling that is typical and necessary in most software sales jobs. The max you’ll be capable of doing is probably 150 cold calling dials a day. I once worked at a software company where this was the minimum requirement. It’s possible, but it’s hard.One of the best sales reps we had made around 75 dials a day. This included cold calling as well as follow up calls and etc. But don’t think if you’re starting out that this is sufficient. This guy had tons of sales experience and new how to maximize his efforts. The only way to do that is by making calls. So when a sales rep is starting out, he/she should make at least 100-150 cold calls a day. This is the best way to practice and get better. Once you’re good enough to just make 50-75 calls a day, you’ll still have a full day, but with more purposeful and quality calling. But again, you can’t get there overnight and you ONLY get there by making the calls. At my last software sales job, I made around 50 cold calls a day, but that’s because I was also doing presentations as well.Cold calling is very important, and I can’t emphasize it enough. It’s hard, but if you can press through the initial emotional turmoil and hit your stride, this will lead to your success as a sales rep. Remember, sales is a numbers game. Even if you’re bad at sales, if you’re product is decent and the market is large, you should be able to get sales just by calling tons of people.Number of Appointments Set and Kept. Many software companies have started doing webinars to do sales presentations of their software. It’s an easy and efficient way to get that initial exposure to a potential client and it’s a great way to get you started without having to learn a ton or be able to do a great job at presenting the software. Typically, the best sales rep or one of the executives will run these webinars. If this is how your company is set up, you should shoot to get about 4-5 appointments per day. With good follow up, about 50-75% of those you made appointments with will actually show up. That means for every 4-5 people you sign up for a webinar, you’ll get about 2-3 people actually show up.Closing Numbers. If you make 100-150 cold calls a day, you should be able to make 4-5 presentations per day. A good software package will have a 15-25% closing rate of those that showed up to a presentation. That means you should be able to close 2-4 sales a week, even if you’re not that great at cold calling.Don’t Make Excuses for Not Making Calls. Sometimes software sales reps are so tired of making the calls that they allow themselves to get distracted by other “productive” activities like research, learning the software and other activities. Don’t fool yourself. If you’re not making the calls, you won’t succeed. Let yourself get a break now and then, but be realistic that it’s only a break until the real work of making the calls start again.Also, don’t get over complicate the numbers game. Don’t get so bogged down by advanced numbers analysis that you stop making calls. I usually just make tick marks on my notepad while I’m making calls. It’s simple as that. Don’t get tempted to be sophisticated at the expense of actually making the calls. The quality of your sales skills will improve over time with practice, but don’t make the mistake of waiting until you’re ‘good’ to make the calls. Getting ‘good’ will only come with doing it.Work from Home Software Sales Rep JobsTo begin to find a good software sales rep jobs, you have to begin by finding a good company to work for with a good product.. Then you have to have the drive and discipline to make the calls and track the numbers. If you have these things ingrained in your value system, you are a great candidate for work from home software sales jobs. The great thing about software is that the product is electronic, which means you can showcase it on the internet and present it over the phone. Unlike a physical widget that people need to touch and feel, software doesn’t require that component.Many companies have opted to hire sales people to work from home to save on employment costs, because these sales reps are generally independent contractors, and general overhead like building and equipment. And because it can be presented on the internet, you can do it from home. Software is a good industry to try to find a good and legitimate work from home job.

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Online School Grants

Online education is the most preferred mode of education these days as it gives the freedom to either work or carry household jobs or earn money and study at the same time. Generally online courses are taken up by adults so they have to support for their education themselves unlike dependents. However if one carries the notion that online education comes out to be cost effective than the traditional methods is wrong. The only overhead that one saves is probably the cost of living and sometimes cost of travelling. At the same time there is a cost of computer, internet access and related software to be incurred.Online schooling is also considered for grants and funding. However not many people are not aware about the same and think that there are no grants or funds available for this mode of education. That’s not the case though.The criterion and the procedures for online schooling are by and large the same.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid, i.e. the FAFSA form is to be filled like for any other grant or fund. Again students with the maximum need of financial aid are determined using the Expected Family Contribution, i.e. EFC. The FAFSA form is to be submitted to the U.S Department of Education, and in case you get qualified for any of the grants, you would be intimidated about the same.
Select a school which is being accredited to conduct such courses.
Once the school has been zeroed upon, calculate the cost of education and keep a buffer of about 20%- 30% in the fee as the course fee fluctuates every year. The average cost for such courses ranges from $10,000 for a public university course to more than $10,000 for a private university course. However, since already mentioned, as the likelihood of increase in fee as the course completes is high, it is advisable to keep some buffer. One also needs to account for the money that he/she would be spending in acquiring computer, related software and books because one would have access to libraries for any reference work. So everything has to be purchased or hired, which involves some cost.While arranging for funds, again you have multiple options in hand to pick from:1. Check for any local bodies that are willing to fund your course2. In case you belong to minority or differently able category, check for the groups specially set- up to provide assistance to you.3. Then there are certain organizations that provide scholarships on the basis of “essay writing” or based on “certain values”. “Wheelchair Scholarship Fund” and “Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest” are two such popularly known organizations.4. Check with your employer for any funding, as every penny counts. The Human Resource Department, commonly known as HR, has all the relevant information. There could be a probability that they might require you to abide by certain terms and conditions like signing up a contract with the company for some no of years, or sponsoring certain courses, which might benefit the company or some other. All these details should be dig well in advance, in order to avoid any last minute rush or confusion in understanding the policies and procedures of the employer.5. Then of course various Government and Federal grants are always there to help.

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Occupational Health: Core Areas of Knowledge and Competence, Part 2

OHA’s can contribute by helping managers to manage sickness absence more effectively. The nurse may be involved in helping to train line managers and supervisors in how to best use the OH service, in how to refer staff, what type of information will be required, what to expect from occupational health. By developing transparent referral procedures, ensuring that medical confidentiality is maintained and that the workers’ rights are respected the OHA can do much to ensure that employees referred for assessment due to sickness absence are comfortable with the process.OH nurses, with their close relationship with workers, knowledge of the working environment and trends in ill-health in the company are often in a good position to advise management on preventing sickness absence. In my experience referral to General Practitioners have a limited use for work related issues, and gain best results by as well as keeping the GP aware, referring to a specialist occupational physician.Planned rehabilitation strategies, can help to ensure safe return to work for employees who have been absent from work due to ill-health or injury. The nurse is often the key person in the rehabilitation programme who will, with the manager and individual employee, complete a risk assessment, devise the rehabilitation programme, monitor progress and communicate with the individual, the OH physician and the line manager. Nurses have also become involved in introducing proactive rehabilitation strategies that aim to detect early changes in health before such conditions result in absence from work. Improving and sustaining working ability benefits many groups, the individual, the organization and society, as costly absence and other health care costs are avoided.In many cases the OH nurse has to work within the organization as the clients advocate in order ensuring that managers appreciate fully the value of improving the health of the workforce. OH nurses have the skills necessary to undertake this work and may develop areas of special interest.The occupational health nurse may develop pro-active strategies to help the workforce maintain or restore their work ability. New workers, older workers, women returning to work following pregnancy or workers who have been unemployed for a prolonged period of time may all benefit from health advice or a planned programme of work hardening exercises to help maintain or restore their work ability even before any health problems arise. Increasingly the problems faced by industry are of a psychosocial nature and these can be even more complex and costly to deal with. OH nurses, working at the company level, are in a good position to give advice to management on strategies that can be adopted to improve the psycho-social health and wellbeing of workers.Health and safetyThe OHA can have a role to play in developing health and safety strategies. Where large, or high risk, organizations have their own in-house health and safety specialists the OHA can work closely with these specialists to ensure that the nurses expertise in health, risk assessment, health surveillance and environmental health management is fully utilized into the health and safety strategy. Occupational health nurses are trained in health and safety legislation, risk management and the control of workplace health hazards and can therefore make a useful contribution to the overall management of health and safety at work, with particular emphasis on ‘health’ risk assessment.Hazard identificationThe nurse often has close contact with the workers and is aware of changes to the working environment. Because of the nurses expertise in the effects of work on health they are in a good position to be involved in hazard identification. Hazards may arise due to new processes or working practices or may arise out of informal changes to existing processes and working practices that the nurse can readily identify and assess the likely risk from. This activity requires and pre-supposed regular and frequent work place visits by the occupational health nurse to maintain an up to date knowledge and awareness of working processes and practices.Risk assessmentLegislation in Europe is increasingly being driven by a risk management approach. OHA’s are trained in risk assessment and risk management strategies and, depending upon their level of expertise and the level of complexity involved in the risk assessment, the nurse can undertake risk assessments or contribute towards the risk assessment working closely with other specialists.Advice on control strategiesHaving been involved in the hazard identification and risk assessment the occupational health nurse can, within the limits of their education and training, provide advice and information on appropriate control strategies, including health surveillance, risk communication, monitoring and on the evaluation of control strategies.Research and the use of evidence based practiceSpecialist OHA’s utilize research findings from a wide range of disciplines, including nursing, toxicology, psychology, environmental health and public health in their daily practice. The principal requirement for an occupational health nurse in practice is that they have the skills to read and critically assess research findings from these different disciplines and to be able to incorporate the findings into evidence based approach to their practice. Research in nursing is already well established and there is a small, but growing, body of evidence being created by occupational health nursing researchers who investigate occupational health nursing practices. OHA’s should ensure that they have access to and the skills necessary to base their practice on the best available evidence. At the company level occupational health nurses may be involved in producing management reports on for example sickness absence trends, accident statistics, assessment of health promotion needs and in evaluating the delivery of services, the effectiveness of occupational health interventions. Research skills and the ability to transfer knowledge and information from published research to practice is an important aspect of the role.EthicsOHA’s, along with other health, environment and safety professionals in the workplace health team, are in a privileged position in society. They have access to personal and medical information relating to employees in the company that would not be available to any other group. Society has imposed, by law, additional responsibilities on clinical professionals to protect and safeguard the interest of patients. The ethical standards for each discipline are set and enforced by each of the professional bodies. Breaches of these codes of conduct can result in the professional being removed from the register and prevented for practicing. Nurses have a long and well-respected tradition in society of upholding the trust placed in them by patients. This level of trust in the occupational health nurse’s professional integrity means that employees feel that they can be open, honest and share information with the nurse in the confidence that the information will not be used for other purposes. This allows the nurse to practice much more effectively than would ever be possible if that trust was not there. The protection of personal information enables a trusted relationship between employees and the nurse to be developed and facilitates optimum working relationships and partnership. The International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) has published useful guidance on ethics for occupational health professionals’. This guidance is summarized below “Occupational Health Practice must be performed according to the highest professional standards and ethical principles. Occupational health professionals must serve the health and social wellbeing of the workers, individually and collectively. They also contribute to environmental and community health the obligations of occupational health professionals include protecting the life and the health of the worker, respecting human dignity and promoting the highest ethical principles in occupational health policies and programs. Integrity in professional conduct, impartiality and the protection of confidentiality of health data and the privacy of workers are part of these obligations. Occupational health professionals are experts who must enjoy full professional independence in the execution of their functions. They must acquire and maintain the competence necessary for their duties and require conditions which allow them to carry out their tasks according to good practice and professional ethics.”

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Some Common Misconceptions About Addicts

Common Misconceptions of AddictsAddicts are Lazy People.Addicts may seem lazy but they aren’t always lazy people. In fact, they are usually very motivated to satisfy their cravings. It actually takes quit an amount of energy to plan and make sure there is enough of the drug through the rest of the day and for tomorrow and the day after that.Whether it is making sure you have computer access for pornography or that you have enough alcohol rationed out for the next day. Planning to obtain and ration your drug to make sure you have enough of it, while hiding it from those around you, takes a great deal of effort.When an addict becomes sober, they are quite surprised to find a lot of free time and do not know how to use it because it has always been consumed by addictive behaviors. This is why it is important to fill a sober addict’s time with other wholesome behaviors.Addicts Are Stupid. An addict’s brain undergoes changes that lead to irrational behavior. Addicts do stupid things, but they are not stupid. The irrational (pre-rational to be more accurate) part of the brain hijacks the rational side of the brain (pre-frontal cortex). This is why they make emotional decisions that seem irrational, and some addicts make poor decisions from fear of withdrawal.Addicts Live a Carefree Life.Many non-addicts I knew seem to get a bit envious of those who use drugs or alcohol throughout the day to escape responsibilities or live in their own carefree world. In reality, an addict that has to self-medicate to feel normal – whether it be from drugs, alcohol or pornography- often do not have a good time because they are just trying to feel normal. Remember a new “set point” of feeling normal has been made within the brain of an addict.Pornography addicts can feel very irritable or experience fuzzy thinking without porn. Alcoholics and drug addicts feel depression, hopelessness or physically sick without their drug. This is a life that has increasing physical, mental and emotional hardship in which engaging in the addiction no longer makes the addict feel euphoric, but normal.Addicts are slaves. They have to continue to use even though many of them know that it is wrong. They often have to lie to those they love and maintain a dishonest life in order to feel normal.Addicts are often paranoid and deal with greater fear than non-addicts. They know that their games cannot keep up. They usually know that sooner or later they will get caught and they know that their addiction will either cause serious problems in their relationships and in some cases may kill them.Addicts Lack Willpower.It is true that addicts usually lack the willpower to beat addiction, but remember that is because of the change in the brain caused by addiction. Due to the worsening nature of addiction on the individual’s brain, they are increasingly becoming more compulsive despite sever negative consequences.In the brain this results in an imbalance or “homeostatic deregulation” within the reward pathways, which further explain how addiction develops and relapse is all too common.[1]When an addict tries to stop by willpower, only then does he feel the full strength of the addiction. They often don’t know the full strength of their addiction because they are always giving in. Once they make the decision to try to quit they are often defeated and may seem lazy because they lay in bed without a fix. But that is because they have a depleted dopamine level caused by long-term overstimulation.During abstinence the user experiences reduced reward neurotransmitters that cause feelings of anxiety, irritability or stress. Extremely high doses of opioids from opium based drugs show a profound alteration of the opioid receptors within the brain.[2]A failure to quit a destructive habit is not because one lacks willpower, but because of the changes in the function of the brain.Motivation and fear of withdrawal will outweigh any or all rational reasons to stop engaging in the behavior. Since the brain has a new set point of normal so they continue to use without experiencing the terrible lows of being without the drug.[3]An Addict Won’t Recover If He Is Forced. Addicts do not have to seek help in order for it to work for them. Remember, the majority of addicts are already in denial. They think they don’t need help, they think it won’t work, and they think that someday they will be able to figure out a way they can still use without having negative consequences.Addicts often do not go to support groups or treatment centers because they want to. In fact, most of the time addicts are forced to seek treatment. Whether addicts overdose and sent to a hospital or impatient treatment, court ordered or pressured from family the result seems to be the same. Addicts may go to rehab for the wrong reasons, but after a while of sobriety, they may start believing in the right reasons to continue treatment.In rehab, the addict has their drug forcefully taken away from them, and this is where the addict may realize how addicted they really are. Since addicts are always giving in, sometimes they need to feel the full power of their addictions before they realize they have a problem. Sometimes a glimpse of a “real life” situation will enable an addict to have a moment of clarity.Some addicts are able to quit for days or weeks at a time. This doesn’t mean that they don’t have a problem. In fact, if addicts didn’t have an addiction they wouldn’t be “quitting” in the first place. Addicts always think that they can quit, until they try their very hardest to stay sober forever. Sure an addict may go a few days or a week. This is how the addict rationalizes their addiction. They are constantly in denial because they feel they have control of their addiction if they do it less.References:1. Sinha R (2001) How does stress increase risk of drug abuse and relapse? Psychopharmacology (Berl) 158:343 -3592. O’Brien, C. P., A. R. Childress, R. Ehrman, and S. J. Robbins. 1998. “Conditioning Factors in Drug Abuse: Can They Explain Compulsion?” Journal of Psychopharmacology 12:15-22. Neurobiology of craving, conditioned reward and relapse Weiss 15 Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2005, 5:9-19.3. Chao, J., and E. Nestler. 2004. “Molecular Neurobiology of Drug Addiction.” Annual Review of Medicine 55:113-132. What’s the Lure of the Edge? The Answer Is All In Their Heads, New York Times, June 20, 2005.

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The Unbreakable Laws of the Universe

To live a harmonious life, you must not only abide by the laws of your country, but also by the natural Laws of the Universe. If we transgress, there will be consequences. Like any country, the universe is also governed by certain laws. We refer to these as Universal Laws or Laws of Nature, ‘whose content is set by nature and is therefore universal’ (Wikipedia).The Law of Gravity is an example of a Universal Law. So is the Law of Conservation of Energy, that is, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. However, unlike human laws, which can vary from country to country, Universal Laws are consistent and unchanging. You interact with these laws with every breath you take. They govern your existence.Nothing about your life has been casual or accidental!The Universal Laws seem to be mysterious. They have hidden truths. When you identify these hidden truths and utilise them correctly, miracles or amazing results occur in your life. It may manifest as suddenly having money when you need it the most, reversing a life-threatening disease, or succeeding in a particular endeavour. These ‘miracles’, no matter how incredible they might be, are not unbelievable outcomes. They are natural outcomes based on the correct application of specific laws of nature.Unfortunately, some of the Universal Laws are not as clear-cut as they might seem. There are unnoticed subtleties to the Universal Laws which, when understood and applied, can make all the difference between happiness and misery, prosperity and poverty, peace and conflict, ease and struggle.It’s easy to think that some people are born to affluence and all good things happen to them. The truth is, these people aren’t simply lucky; good things don’t just ‘happen’ to them. They’re just applying the Laws of the Universe more effectively, whether they’re aware of it or not. The laws are flawless; they work perfectly every time, all the time. If you seem to be doing all the right things, but your results are poor, consider the Laws of the Universe and how you are applying them. This book will help you.How many laws are there? Many.These laws govern every aspect of our existence. The supreme Law of the Universe is the Law of Cause and Effect, also referred to as karma or the parable of ‘reaping what you sow’. For every effect there is a cause; for every action there is a reaction. Positive action equates to a positive result. The Law of Cause and Effect transcends time, space or form.It operates whether you are aware of it or not.Every human thought, word or deed is a cause that sets off a wave of energy throughout the universe, resulting in desirable or undesirable effects. If there are undesirable effects, it simply means that at some time in the past, there was a thought, word or deed that caused a wave of undesirable energy. As normal, fully-functioning people we are quite literally responsible for everything in our lives. The following excerpt illustrates this concept.This is the suggestion a man gave to his subconscious mind over a period of about two years: “I would give my right arm to see my daughter cured.” It appeared that his daughter had a crippling form of arthritis together with a so-called incurable form of skin disease. Medical treatment had failed to alleviate the condition, and the father had an intense longing for his daughter’s healing, and expressed his desire in the words just quoted.One day the family was out for a drive. Their car was involved in a head-on collision. The father’s right arm was torn off at the shoulder. When he came home from the hospital, he discovered that his daughter’s arthritis and skin condition had vanished.(Murphy, 2001)Everyone is subject to these same natural Laws of the Universe, regardless of race, colour, creed or gender. The laws exert their influence without our consent or awareness. When we choose the behaviour, we choose the consequences. Interestingly, the people who are frustrated in life consistently try to defy the natural laws. And, not surprisingly, successful people live in harmony with the natural Laws of the Universe.Deepak Chopra, an authority in mind-body medicine, identified these issues in his bestselling book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, saying ‘no debt in the universe ever goes unpaid. There is a perfect accounting system in this universe, and everything is a constant “to and fro” exchange of energy’.All of life is connected; what we do to others, we do to ourselves. According to the principle of karma, any negative or positive thought or action remains that way, until it expends (uses up) its energy by acting upon the originator. The energy you create through your thoughts, words and deeds – either negative or positive – will rebound and act on YOU. But, as it is the nature of energy to expand when it is put out into the world, you will at some point experience much more than you caused others to experience.If you cause others to experience prosperity and wellbeing, it will come back to you and you will experience it as well, often multiplied. In like manner, if you hurt someone, the energy will eventually return and cause you even greater hurt, unless of course you make amends in some way.Eighteenth-century German poet and philosopher, Wolfgang Von Goethe wrote:Nature understands no jesting; she is always true, always serious, always severe; she is always right, and the errors and faults are always those of man. The man incapable of appreciating her, she despises and only to the apt, the pure, and the true, does she resign herself and reveal her secrets.The Law of Cause and Effect is the IRON LAW of the universe. It is unyielding. If you defy this law, there will be consequences – no ‘ifs, ands, or buts’ about it. It’s fascinating (and often tragic) to observe how many of us try to defy this law, especially when we pursue quick and easy gains. Often we strive for what we want by doing the exact opposite of what is in our best interest.This beautiful fable illustrates the mystifying and sometimes illusive nature of the Law of Cause and Effect.The Secret to Creating AffluenceA young man went to the forest and said to his spiritual master, ‘I want to have unlimited wealth, to help and heal the world. What is the secret to wealth?’The spiritual master said, ‘There are two Goddesses that reside in the heart of every human being: the Goddess of WEALTH and the Goddess of KNOWLEDGE’.'Although you love both, you must pursue one of them to the exclusion of the other. Pursue her, love her, and give her your attention. Understand that only the Goddess of Wealth can give you wealth, and you may pursue only one Goddess, not both’.'But, here is the secret: If you pursue the Goddess of Wealth, she will be pleased with you because she loves to be chased. The more you pursue her the more she will elude you. However, if you pursue the Goddess of KNOWLEDGE, the Goddess of WEALTH will become extremely jealous and pay more att ention to you. In fact, the more you seek the Goddess of Knowledge, the more the Goddess of Wealth will seek you. She will never leave you. She will constantly shower you with material blessings just to win your attention, and the wealth you desire will be yours forever’.Adapted from (Chopra, 1993)The human tendency is to pursue the Goddess of Wealth, which seems like the logical choice. However, wealth is simply an effect, and like any effect it has a cause. In the fable, pursuing one goddess gets you the best of both worlds; wealth comes from the acquisition and proper application of knowledge.So let’s be clear: your goals and dreams will manifest when you and the Laws of the Universe are in harmony!It’s a scientific fact that the universe operates in absolute harmony with IRREVOCABLE natural laws and principles that have NEVER varied throughout all time. These laws prevail regardless of whether we heed them or not. Those individuals who live in harmony with the Laws of the Universe will emerge victorious. Bestselling author, Bob Proctor, summed it up perfectly when he said,You are living and working in a dynamic global marketplace that leaves little room for error. In future, only those individuals whose beliefs are sound, in harmony with the laws of the universe, and have been integrated with their behavior, will emerge as real winners.(Proctor 2011)This much we know with certainty: you have unlimited potential and you can tap into and harness this potential by combining:1. a deeper understanding of yourself (your power of attraction) with2. specific efforts towards a desired outcome (your power of action).In other words, you’ll experience the rewards (the Law of Receiving) when you truly understand that you have immense, untapped ability, and you combine that understanding with deliberate application of the Law of Attraction and the Law of Action.These are the three key laws of manifestation that interact to create abundance in your life. Use these laws in cohesion to expedite your success and achieve better results.

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Get Affordable Home Insurance in Calgary

There are many reasons to get home insurance in Calgary. First of all, you want to make sure your house, cottage, or tenancy is covered for damage, theft, and flooding. Secondly, you want to know if you are overpaying for home insurance, and if you are, you want to know if you have access to a more affordable insurer. We can help you connect with a live insurance broker who will give you the information you need to insure your house in Calgary. You can also request a quote from at least 10 Canadian home insurers, so you can compare rates.Typical Home Insurance Premiums
Home protection prices are different for rented and owned properties. Tenants insurance for rented homes covers the basic contents of a house and some liability (you may need a separate policy for fine art, wine collections, furs, and other expensive, atypical items). Tenants insurance is often cheaper than homeowners insurance.Homeowners insurance covers the building and its exterior, as well as risks connected to theft, fire, earthquake, etc. Since the value of the building is much higher than the contents of a rented unit, homeowners insurance premiums are significantly higher than are the premiums for tenants insurance.In order to have a broader picture of home insurance rates in Canada, here are statistics of the average home rates in Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia, and Canada. These statistics are provided by InsurEye.In Alberta, monthly house insurance rates are typically $84 for homeowners and $49 for renters.In Ontario, monthly home insurance rates are typically $78 for homeowners and $42 for renters.In British Columbia, monthly home protection rates are typically $85 for homeowners and $47 for renters.Across Canada, monthly home insurance rates are typically $77 for homeowners and $41 for renters.Examples of Calgary Home Insurance Quotes
Home insurance quotes in Calgary depend on the size of a building, its location, and possible risks (like flooding). The following examples of house insurance quotes will help you better understand how much home insurance can potentially cost you:· For a 2,800 square foot, two-storey house in Calgary, in the neighbourhood of Altadore near River Park, expect approximately $98 monthly ($1,176 a year).· For an 850 square foot, two-bedroom condominium on the 12th floor in downtown Calgary, next to Central Memorial Park, the insurance costs are approximately $23 a month ($276 a year).· For a one-storey house in Calgary, in the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood, located close to 4th St NW and the Trans-Canada Highway, the insurance is approximately $62 monthly ($744 a year).Flooding Coverage for Homes in Calgary
Since Calgary often sees flooding, every homeowner should be prepared for the possibility of this risk and should understand the main aspects of home protection and flooding. One thing you should keep in mind is that home protection in the flood-endangered areas of the city is more expensive because of the much higher risk.There are four main types of flooding. It is important to remember that your home insurance policy treats each of them differently:1. Overland flooding occurs as a consequence of water (rain or melting snow) entering your house from the outdoors. Standard insurance in Calgary does not cover expenses from overland flooding. However, some companies do provide coverage for this type of flooding at an additional cost.2. Roof leakage can be covered or not covered, depending on the factors that caused it. If the roof was in poor condition from the beginning, your insurance provider will not cover the damage. Your home insurance will most likely cover damage from a natural cause, like hail.3. Your insurer will cover plumbing issues, only if you comply with the rules in your policy, such as having somebody visit your home while you are not there for extended periods of time (for example, while you are on vacation).4. Sewer backup happens when wastewater is driven back into your house. Traditional home protection does not cover this type of flooding. However, you can always purchase this type of coverage as an addition to your home insurance policy.The Difference Between Condo and Tenants Insurance in Calgary
Owners of condos can purchase homeowners insurance for their condo. The condominium corporation purchases commercial condo insurance. The difference between these two policies is in what part of the condo they cover. The homeowners insurance covers the contents of the condominium. The coverage also includes protection for upgrades, locker contents, third party liability, theft, additional living expenses, and sometimes special insurance assessments.The commercial condominium corporation’s insurance covers the building’s exterior (envelope), together with its infrastructure and common areas.Condo renters in Calgary need tenants insurance to cover the contents of their condos. This type of protection is usually mandatory and is part of the rental contract. In addition to the coverage of contents against theft, fire, and other hazards, the insurance also extends to third party liability and additional living expenses. Living expenses are for the cases when the condo is unlivable (due to earthquake, flood, fire, etc.), so the renter is forced to live in a hotel or rental unit until the condo repairs are complete.10 Ways to Save on Home Insurance in Calgary
Here are a few ways to save on your home coverage. For more savings, get an insurance quote and contact an insurance expert.1. Professional membership. Members of unions or professional organizations can get a discount on their home insurance. Insurance companies, like Meloche Monnex Insurance, also provide their members with insurance policies.2. Hydrant or fire station. If your home is close to one of these things, you can ask for a discount from your insurance provider.3. Discounts for students. Some insurance providers give discounts for students. As for dependent students who live alone, their parent’s home insurance may cover the insurance on their apartment at no additional charge. For example, Desjardins Insurance provides this discount.4. Discounts for graduates. TD Insurance is an example of an insurer that offers discounts for graduates from post-secondary institutions like McGill University or the University of Toronto.5. Quit smoking. Many insurance companies increase home protection premiums for smokers due to the potential fire risk.6. Change your policy. Those with tenant insurance should rethink the size of their coverage – perhaps some things that do not have much value do not need additional coverage.7. Security of your home. Does your home have additional security, like a doorman or security guard? This might get you a discount from your insurance provider.8. Direct insurer. Also called a captive agent, a direct insurer represents one company and can offer their products for a cheaper price when compared to insurance agents or brokers.9. Consumer reviews. Other home insurance consumers often share their experiences of purchasing insurance and making claims. Thanks to these insights, you will be able to avoid unexpected costs and overpayment.10. Compare prices. You can get home insurance quote in Calgary for a cheaper price thanks to the price comparison tools that show you the rates of the same services provided by different insurance companies.

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Being Your Own Kind of Beautiful: Learning to Appreciate Yourself

While shopping at one of my favorite boutiques, I ran across this adorable little trinket that had a modest inscription on it that read: “Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful”. The timing was perfect for me to receive this message because I had just recently decided to end a long-term friendship that had become severely dysfunctional and was weighing me down emotionally. Like most people who experience an end to a long-term friendship, whether it was a positive experience or not, the finality of the split left me feeling relieved and out of sorts all at the same time. Feeling beautiful was probably the last thing on my mind at the time because the “friendship” had become so offensive to my psyche. It felt like an all-out assault to my spirit in an attempt to systematically convince me that I had nothing to offer. Yet, when I read the caption on the little ornament that day in the boutique, it spoke to me in a way that I cannot describe. I felt like my soul had just awakened by a fierce inspiration! I thought how wonderful it would be if each of us could feel the same reassurance that I felt that day by simply taking a step back and appreciating our own God given beauty! Not just the physical beauty, but our entire beautiful self, inside and out. I reflected on how important it is never to give anyone control over our perceptions of ourselves because God created each of us in his own image and He did not make any mistakes on any of his creations!Even though we know in our heart that we are uniquely designed by God, we all at some point in our life have fallen victim to allowing ill-intentioned “friends” or that nagging voice in our head that try to persuade us that we are less than. In so doing, we fail to fully appreciate our own individuality and the marvelous qualities that we have to offer. Not recognizing or appreciating our own unique beauty is similar to the inference in the quote by Alice Walker that says: “I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it”, (The Color Purple). That may be putting it a bit bluntly, but sometimes we need a candid wake-up call. The same concept applies to how we view ourselves, not just how we view a color somewhere in a field. Even though we get the point, I have noticed that women in particular repeatedly fall into the trap of comparing themselves to others and not embracing their own beauty. Physical beauty has become such the end all, that many people have such blind envy of others because of their physical appearance that they have no regard to the personal struggles someone might be going through, despite how well put together they may appear on the outside. In spite of this and as straightforward as it may sound, if each of us would begin to practice being our own kind of beautiful, then we would realize that each of us is beautiful just the way we are.At any rate, although physical attractiveness can be quite enticing, outer beauty is fleeting. Therefore, a person’s character, morals and values should be the factors that true beauty should be judged. These core traits are not merely handed down through great genetics and more importantly; they never fade away. Remember the old saying, pretty is as pretty does? If someone is lacking in these three intrinsic fundamentals, then it really does not matter what they look like on the outside. Physical beauty has no correlation at all to the goodness or essential quality of a person. OK, for those who may be a little harder to persuade maybe we can take gradual, baby steps toward adopting this revolutionary standard of looking at beauty. For the sake of compromise, let’s say the new standard of judging beauty can consist of a combination of both physical and inner characteristics. However, in all fairness the fundamental core of who a person is should at least carry a higher weighted average than what the person looks like. Fair enough? Well, until this notion becomes widely accepted, which quite frankly may take an act of God; I will suggest a few simple ideas to help remind everyone to honor God by simply being your own kind of beautiful on the inside and out.One way to practice being your own kind of beautiful is to celebrate your God given gifts and beauty. The fact that each and every person on this earth is uniquely designed, down to our personalized fingerprints, is astounding! Whether it is an internal or physical characteristic that makes you uniquely beautiful, you should focus on just one trait at a time and celebrate it. We have so much to be thankful for, so celebrating one thing at a time can be as simple as showing gratitude for having that distinctive attribute. Once you begin to do this on a regular basis, you will begin to naturally appreciate how wonderfully designed you are. For example, I have always been into physical fitness, sometimes more than others, but overall I have been blessed that God has made me physically strong and healthy. Although I could have chosen to sit around and focus on someone else’s physical attributes, I have chosen to celebrate my own. As such, I joined a hiking club and push my physical endurance to the limit on a regular basis by hiking through rugged terrain to reach altitudes that I never thought I would reach by foot. A couple of added benefits are that for one I meet interesting, like-minded people and in addition I am keeping physically fit by doing something I enjoy. If you have never been hiking, you cannot imagine the beauty that can be seen from the vantage point from atop a mountain. For miles on end, there is the beauty of nature, including speckles of purple in a field of flowers. I thank God each day for giving me the physical ability to be able to do these types of physical activities; particularly after having been bound to a wheelchair for several months after an injury. I celebrate my blessings every chance I get by putting my gift to use. The more I use it, the more physically and mentally strong I become. You will be surprised at how doing simple things like this can help you discover your blessings which you may have overlooked in the past because you have spent so much time comparing yourself to someone else. So, get out there and keep it moving by discovering or rediscovering your beautiful self!This brings me to my next piece of advice that I will offer to you to practice being your own kind of beautiful which is to stop comparing yourself to others, period. Many times, no matter what our station is in life or how many compliments we receive from others, we somehow still feel like we fall short in comparison to someone else. What I have discovered is that a person will not be able to fully appreciate their own beauty if they continue to try and emulate someone else’s beauty. It is irrational to look at the external beauty of someone else and feel envious. First of all, envy is a sin and secondly physical beauty is fleeting, so why even bother. So, instead of comparing yourself to others you should thank God for creating you in his own image. On this subject, I want to share how moved I was by a speech given by Iyanla Vanzant entitled, “You Matter”. In it she stated something that really grabbed my attention regarding the whole concept of how wasteful it is to compare yourself to others. In her speech she said, “It is an act of violence to compare yourself to other people”. That is such a powerful statement! In order to fully appreciate the full force of this statement, you have to take a moment and absorb its significance. If you really think about it, not only is it an act of violence, it is also irreverent to compare yourself to others which in a way marginalizes your own beauty and uniqueness. Ironically, I found this concept also works in the reverse as it reminds me not to look at others with such a critical eye and to appreciate the fact that they too are uniquely designed by God. Psalm 139:14 says, ‘I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well”.One final suggestion that I will impart on the subject of being your own kind of beautiful is that it is important to appreciate and not emulate others’ beauty. It is one thing to admire a person’s beauty, however, you have completely crossed the line if your adoration of another leaves you feeling demoralized. Fortunately, there is a healthy balance between celebrating your own beauty and appreciating others’ beauty; particularly without feeling jealousy which is a by-product of emulation. The most confident women are those who embrace their own beauty and can appreciate others for their beauty in a healthy way. This confidence is reflected in many ways such as being graceful in how you carry yourself as it will reflect in how you view others. As the saying goes, “Elegance is [the only] beauty that never fades”. As I stated earlier, beauty is unique to each individual and it does not always mean physical beauty. Yes, it is important to strive to be your best self, inside and out. However, you do not have to jeopardize your self-worth in the process by impersonating others. That is why it is important to check yourself from time to time to ensure you keep a healthy balance between appreciating versus emulating others. Feeling confident in who you are and what you have to offer will allow you to appreciate others at a greater level for who they are without feeling envious by trying to imitate them.In summary, because each of us is uniquely designed by God, we all have an abundance of reasons to appreciate and celebrate our own beauty. Of course, beauty can be viewed in many ways either inner, outer, or a combination of both. We can begin the transformative thinking of being our own kind of beautiful by actively celebrating our own uniqueness one trait at a time. Once we begin to do this, we will become comfortable in our own skin and will be able to appreciate others for their beauty without allowing jealousy or envy to invade our space. No one has a right to try to make you feel that you have nothing to offer. As Iyanla Vanzant stated in her speech, “You Matter”. You do not need anyone to define you or to complete you because God has already done an awesome job at that. Embrace this concept and live it on a daily basis. In other words, start each day by boldly being your own kind of beautiful!

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Lifestyler Treadmill

Lifestyler treadmill is a good, solid and reliable treadmill available in the market. Lifestyler treadmill is an excellent choice for first time buyers looking for a value for their money entry into the home exercise market. Lifestyler treadmill is an old reliable treadmill which still provides the staple ingredient in many peoples exercise and workout regimes.Lifestyler treadmill doesn’t have the features that adorn the high end or expensive category of the market. Lifestyler treadmill has more than enough features for home and light commercial use. Lifestyler treadmill is available in affordable price limit.Lifestyler treadmills are functional and easy to use. Fitness professionals around the world recommend Lifestyler treadmills more than any other piece of home exercise equipment. In addition, when used correctly Lifestyler treadmills provide an ideal way to strengthen and improve cardiovascular health.Lifestyler treadmill design and production has been done with the clear intention to help users to exercise with less friction and more flow. Most Lifestyler treadmills offer a smooth and natural exercise experience by working with the body’s natural movements. Generous width and good tread belt of Lifestyler treadmills offer extraordinary health improvements to users. These features of Lifestyler treadmill allows users to walk or run at their pace and maintain their body tonus. Individuals meet their desired body results with a full line of home and commercial models of Lifestyler treadmill.Lifestyler treadmill machines are very ease to use. Individuals can start their exercise routine with one single-button Quick Start feature or select a user ID that retrieves pre-set personal track profiles for consistent improved workout performance. The 10 years warranty usually exceeds the industry standard. Lifestyler treadmill models also have lower impact versus walking/running outdoor. These models are engineered with a unique suspension system that reduces impact to users joints and back while providing a lively, responsive platform on which they can walk/run.Lifestyler 2800 treadmill model is built for home use. This model of Lifestyler treadmill creates a lightweight and smooth running machine without compromising performance. This treadmill functions quietly, features cushioned belt that absorbs the shock for the user and also acts to dampen the sound of stepping to enable user to watch TV or listen the radio while exercising. Lifestyler 2800 treadmill has a design that allows it to fold up to approximately 36 x 40 inches, making it easy to store under a bed or in a closet. The Lifestyler 2800 treadmill is one of the most affordable home treadmills in the market. For those looking to purchase their first treadmill or even upgrading to a new treadmill, the Lifestyler 2800 Treadmill is a smart investment.Users while shopping around for new Lifestyler treadmill should see how the treadmill shapes up to the opposition and there are few important points that they should try and use by way of comparison. By doing so users will find that there are some features which are worth paying extra for and others which are entirely luxury items which they will not need.Each Lifestyler treadmill comes with a motor that has a slightly different specification. The motor is a piece of machine which will get very heavy use and costs an awful lot to replace or repair, so it is worth for users while buying a Lifestyler treadmill to get one which is around 2HP. If noise pollution is going to be a problem while using Lifestyler treadmill, then users can pick the model which has a DC motor, as it will be inherently quieter than the pure AC versions.Lifestyler treadmill models incorporate aspects such as operate quietly, easy storage, etc that make them good fit for home usage. Lifestyler treadmills offer high end performance.

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